Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Job Interviews

So, I know that this is probably the situation a lot of people are in right now. Looking for work and having to do about a million job interviews. I've read so many articles that say things like, "If they show you around the office, then that's a good sign" or "If they introduce you to their employees, then you're in!". Well, I am just going to say that I disagree with all of those bits of advice and I don't believe you can ever truly judge if an interview went well or not.

Here's why I think that:

Ben and I have been in Austin for about a month and a half, and I have interviewed for about 8 positions. Usually I have come out of every interview feeling like it went well. I'll get all excited and think that it's the perfect job for me, and start envisioning myself working there. Then, a couple of days later, I'll get a call from the company and I'll be told that I didn't get the position. It's so frustrating when this happens, because it makes me think that even though I thought I did my best, I wasn't what they were looking for. I have decided I will no longer get my hopes up. But I will have a positive attitude. I am going to smile and be cheerful and go on about my merry little way. I am not going to sit and ponder about how an interview went or rewind all the details in my mind and remember everything that was said. I know that's going to be challenging, seeing as how when I get back to my parents' house everyone is going to be asking, "So, how did it go?" but I know that if I have a realistic and optomistic perspective, that will be enough. I refuse to get all excited and hyped up about something until there's a job offer on the table.

For those of you who were wondering where I am in the job department, I had a job interview today with ESPN Radio Austin, and a job interview last week with Mavin Exams. Still waiting to hear back from those.


  1. Job hunting is a hard "job". I guess all you can do is patiently persevere.

  2. I hate finding a job! I haven't had to find a job outside of the fast food and retail market yet and I bet it's even harder! Not looking forward to that. We should be coming to Austin in April.... maybe. I'll for sure let you know and then we can come see your cool new apartment in Austin and I can meet your husband!
