Jamie and April in their super cute church dresses. As a mom, sometimes you just have to snap a pic before they get all sticky and their hair gets all crazy.
April really wanted to blow bubbles the other day, so we got out all the bubble wands and had a blast. Jamie resisted at first, but ended up joining in on the fun.
Love this shot of April mid-bubble.
Sometimes Jamie and April really do adore each other.
Ryan will be 8 months old on Thursday, and he is getting to be a lot more smiley and happy than before. He is such a little cutie.We took a road trip to Dallas on President's Day weekend, and it went surprisingly well! The girls watched a movie and then slept, and Ryan slept THE ENTIRE TIME. Ben and I were shocked. It was our first attempt at a road trip longer than an hour with him, and we were so happy he did so well. One of the things the girls love best about going to Dallas is getting to play with all of Ben's dinosaurs that he had when he was a little boy. April was coming up with all kinds of funny names for them. This dino pictured was, "Edid." Lol
We brought our fun family game, "Big Picture Apples to Apples" that Grami got us for Christmas. The girls want to play it every chance they can get.
In Dallas we went to lunch at Jason's Deli with Ben's mom. The girls loved the free ice cream cones!
We also got to spend some time with Ben's Grandma Millie and Grandpa Dean. We enjoyed our visit with them so much. They are so sweet and fun to talk to. The kids loved the grapes and "2 bite cupcakes" Millie and Dean brought for them to snack on.
There is a really cool duck pond not too far away from where Ben's Mom Cynthia lives, so we went there to attempt to feed the ducks some Cheerios. Apparently they don't like those, because we kept throwing them in the water and not a single duck ate one. Oh well. Guess bread is the grain of choice.
Finally got a pic of us. I never remember to take any because I'm always the one behind the camera!
Ryan looking adorable. I love this cheesy smile.
April with Ben's dad Daniel. We went to the park in his neighborhood and the kids loved it! Anywhere they can go to climb and swing is heaven for them.
I promise April is not picking her nose in this pic! Lol
We went on a walk and there were a lot of bridges to cross. No trolls though. Not as far as we could tell . . .We really enjoyed our visit to Dallas and the kids were perfect on the road trip back! Visiting family is always so fun and everyone had an awesome time.