Sunday, February 7, 2010

Good News

So, Ben and I are moving into our first apartment in Austin in just two weeks! I am so excited and really, really, ready. It's been a lot of fun spending time with my family and hanging out, and the free rent and free food have been great, but I am very ready for Ben and I to have a place of our own and for me to be able to start decorating and making the place look all cozy and nice.

Also, some other good news...I have a temporary two week job that starts this week, and I am excited to be able to do something different and feel like I'm useful. Even though I interviewed for a full-time job with the company and didn't get the job, I feel like Heavenly Father has blessed me with this opportunity to get my foot in the door and see what happens. Anyway, things are going good, Ben's job is going good, and I think I can finally say that I do miss Provo a little. But it's not really Provo that I miss. It's the people in Provo. Just to be clear.

And...I'm officially obsessed with LOST. Ben and I have been watching all the seasons starting with Season 1 since Christmas break, and I am totally hooked. We're almost done with the fourth season, so I feel like maybe I can catch up in time to be able to watch at least one or two episodes of the sixth season on TV.


  1. Yay so glad you guys found a place to live we've never had to live with anyone but i can imagine after awhile you would be ready to be on your own again. haha it's so funny you guys are obsessed with lost we started season one back in the summer and are finally caught up and can't imagine having to wait a week to figure out what happens!
